Can you do me a favor and grab a pen & paper?
I'd like to start off by giving you my credentials, (which is verifiable, public records)
(First name), before we jump into your situation, I'd like to explain HOW I help families protect their homes from death & disability. Is that okay with you guys?
(Name & Name), what I've done is contracted with 50 different insurance carriers, all independently, because what that allows me to do is shop the entire market on your behalf, based on your eligibility, which is what we're going to be finding out today, sound good?
Now the next thing to address is the agenda today, which is pretty simple - My agenda is YOUR agenda. If you feel like you need more information about my credentials & credibility, feel free to ask - it won't hurt my feelings.
Otherwise, I'm ready to start listening and focus on you. Would you mind sharing with me what concerns you the most if both you and your paycheck were to unexpectedly disappear?
⚠️ Listen intently & take notes...
⚠️ After listening, repeat back their concerns:
Alright, sounds good, let's get to work!
Would you say this is the forever home or is there a possibility of any future moves?
Are you still working or retired?
⚠️ If married, get spouse involved:
Mrs. _____, can I ask you a serious question?
Ok, I'd like to "stress test" your current protection: (paint a picture for them)
*Ask same for spouse*
Ok, let's go ahead and find out what you qualify for.
I just need a little bit of information for the carriers to determine your eligibility.
Mr. _____,
Ok, so now that we've got your profile completed I'm going to do some field underwriting to determine which plans you qualify for.
That should take me about 15 minutes, so go ahead and take a breather and I'm going to call you right back with the details on the benefits and pricing to get you protected, sound good?
⚠️ So, just to reiterate: ⚠️
Your goal is to have the home paid off to ensure that _____ doesn't have to worry about the mortgage or payments?
Ok...and quick question - If the numbers don't work for you, would you be comfortable telling me, so that I can problem solve and find alternative, sensible solutions?
Ok, I've got some amazing news - I was able to find you 3 options that were the most suitable and effective. Do you have your pen and paper close by?
Great, before I get into how much the carriers are going to want for offering you coverage, I'd like to share the features and benefits that come along with the plan(s).
Now, let's talk about the details of those living benefits: If, while you're covered, you get diagnosed with a Terminal Illness, Chronic illness or a Critical illness, then you'll qualify for some advanced money from your policy (% depends on the carrier)...and here are the specific "triggers" under those conditions:
Great! With all that said, the carrier(s) that came back with the best benefits and most value for your dollar are...(NAME CARRIERS)
⚠️ Now, before we move any further, do me a favor and take a look at the numbers real quick, and I'd like to ask you a question: