Phone appointment presentation

Can you do me a favor and grab a pen & paper?

I'd like to start off by giving you my credentials, (which is verifiable, public records)

  • My full name is _____
  • And my state license number is _____

(First name), before we jump into your situation, I'd like to explain HOW I help families protect their homes from death & disability. Is that okay with you guys?

(Name & Name), what I've done is contracted with 50 different insurance carriers, all independently, because what that allows me to do is shop the entire market on your behalf, based on your eligibility, which is what we're going to be finding out today, sound good?


Now the next thing to address is the agenda today, which is pretty simple - My agenda is YOUR agenda. If you feel like you need more information about my credentials & credibility, feel free to ask - it won't hurt my feelings.

Otherwise, I'm ready to start listening and focus on you. Would you mind sharing with me what concerns you the most if both you and your paycheck were to unexpectedly disappear?

⚠️ Listen intently & take notes...

⚠️ After listening, repeat back their concerns:

  • "Ok, just so we have an understanding - We're protecting your _____ & ____?"
  • "I understand... so if I can help you achieve that goal through one of our plans (and it makes financial sense), is there ANY logical reason you'd turn that down today?

Alright, sounds good, let's get to work!


  1. So I see you've got a loan for $xxx,xxx with (Lender).
  2. Did you just buy the home or was that a refi?
  3. Ok, and is the loan for 15 or 30 years?
  4. And, how much is the monthly mortgage? (Do you pay extra?)

Would you say this is the forever home or is there a possibility of any future moves?

Are you still working or retired?

  • Do you have more than 1 source of income?
  • How much do you bring home on average?
  • Do you have any retirement accounts, like 401k, 403b, IRA or pensions?
  • Any rental properties that pay you residually?

⚠️ If married, get spouse involved:

  • Mr/Mrs, are you still working or retired?
  • Do you have more than 1 source of income?
  • How much do you bring home on average?
  • Do you have any retirement accounts, like 401k, 403b, IRA or pensions? Balance?
  • Any rental properties that pay you residually?

Mrs. _____, can I ask you a serious question?

  • If Mr. _____ died YESTERDAY.... would you be able to maintain the house payment, car payments, food, bills and all the rest of the financial overhead with JUST YOUR income?
  • If married - Ask spouse same question


Ok, I'd like to "stress test" your current protection: (paint a picture for them)

  • Let's assume that you and I never spoke today, and you never got this form in the mail to protect your home.... and, yesterday, you didn't walk through your front door....
  • To what extent would losing your spouse's income affect your ability to keep your current way of life?
  • Does your family have anything they could immediately cash-out on, like a life insurance policy?
  • *If "YES"
  • Is that through work or is that something you privately own & control?
  • Do you know the coverage amount?
  • Is it term or permanent?
  • About how much do you pay for that?
  • Do you know the name of the carrier?

*Ask same for spouse*


Ok, let's go ahead and find out what you qualify for.

I just need a little bit of information for the carriers to determine your eligibility.

Mr. _____,

  • What's your current height/weight?
  • Do you use tobacco in any form?
  • Are you currently taking ANY medications prescribed by a doctor? **NEED EVERYTHING PRESCRIBED**
  • Have you ever had a cancer diagnosis?
  • IN THE LAST 10 YEARS...Have you had any diagnosis or treatment for ANYTHING...
  • Heart related?
  • Lung related (including COPD, asthma or sleep apnea)?
  • Kidney dialysis, disease or failure?
  • Liver or blood problems, including hepatitis?
  • Depression, anxiety, PTSD, bi-polar or suicide attempts?
  • Any chronic pain requiring pain meds, arthritis or disabilities?
  • Cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes?
  • Any bankruptcies, felonies or misdemeanors?


Ok, so now that we've got your profile completed I'm going to do some field underwriting to determine which plans you qualify for.

That should take me about 15 minutes, so go ahead and take a breather and I'm going to call you right back with the details on the benefits and pricing to get you protected, sound good?

⚠️ So, just to reiterate: ⚠️

Your goal is to have the home paid off to ensure that _____ doesn't have to worry about the mortgage or payments?

Ok...and quick question - If the numbers don't work for you, would you be comfortable telling me, so that I can problem solve and find alternative, sensible solutions?

  • Sounds good! Hang tight and as soon as I find the right plan I'll call you back!
  • Are you going anywhere in the next 10-15 minutes?
  • Ok great, talk soon!


📌 Find 1 main solution and 2 alternative ones (TRIPLICATE OF CHOICE)

📌 After you determine the plans you're going to present, obtain a product and company brochure, so you can highlight the features & benefits of the plans & carrier(s) BEFORE you show them the premiums.

📌 This is the point where you build value, solidify the decision, get commitments and transition into the application.


❗️❗️ CALL BACK ❗️❗️

Ok, I've got some amazing news - I was able to find you 3 options that were the most suitable and effective. Do you have your pen and paper close by?

Great, before I get into how much the carriers are going to want for offering you coverage, I'd like to share the features and benefits that come along with the plan(s).

  • ⚠️ ** If living benefits are included: Have you ever heard of something called "living benefits"? Living benefits essentially allows you to access cash from your plan while you're still let me ask you a serious question:
    • Would you say that either one of us are exempt from ever getting cancer, heart attack, stroke or permanent disability? (No)
    • And if those things did happen to us do you think our expenses will go up or down? (Up)
    • And depending on the severity, is there also a realistic possibility of you having to take time off from work in order to get yourself back to normal? (Yes)
    • So if you lose your paycheck while you're recovering, but also have new expenses, how long do you think you'd be able to survive for until you ran out of money and possibly face bankruptcy or foreclosure?
    • So if that scenario did happen, but I delivered you a check from your insurance company to cover bills, so that you wouldn't have to go into debt up to your eyeballs or touch your future money, would that be a relief to you? (Yes) - That's the power of the coverage that I'm presenting as a solution to those realistic and unforeseen problems.

  • ⚠️ ** If living benefits are NOT included: Explain any other features/benefits offered, to build value. Examples:
    • Terminal Illness
    • Member benefits
    • RX discounts
    • Cash Value
    • Automatic Loan Provision

    Now, let's talk about the details of those living benefits: If, while you're covered, you get diagnosed with a Terminal Illness, Chronic illness or a Critical illness, then you'll qualify for some advanced money from your policy (% depends on the carrier)...and here are the specific "triggers" under those conditions:

    • For terminal illness - that's where a doctor says that you have less than (12/24 months to live...depending on the carrier)
    • For Chronic illness - That's where....(explain Chronic illness)
    • For Critical illness - that covers heart attack, stroke, cancer, etc...(list ALL OF THEM to build value)
    • So, do you see the potential & protection in having these important features?

    Great! With all that said, the carrier(s) that came back with the best benefits and most value for your dollar are...(NAME CARRIERS)

    • They've been around for over...(100 / 75 / 50 years)
    • They're A-Rated & financially solvent, which means they pay their claims on time and provide good customer service.

    ❗️❗️ GAME TIME ❗️❗️

    ⚠️ Now, before we move any further, do me a favor and take a look at the numbers real quick, and I'd like to ask you a question:

    • Between those 3 options, for both THE COVERAGE AMOUNT AND monthly premium, which one looks like it make the most sense for your current situation? ***DO NOT TALK*** (Let them pick an option)
    • Great choice! And does that plan look like it's too high, too low or just about right? ***Make sure they're comfortable with their decision***
    • Got it...and are you willing to budget $000.00 to properly protect your family? ***Solidify their commitment***
    • Ok great, any other questions for me? ***Last chance to uncover any objections/concerns***
    • Sounds good! So, while I get your "request for coverage" ready, can you do me a favor and grab your driver's license for me? Thanks! ***Assume the close***