Life Insurance Overcoming Objections

Before asking needs analysis questions ask for commitment:

✅ If anything would hold you back from committing to a protection plan today, what would you say that might be?


⚠️ If you're being rushed

✅ With all due respect, you wouldn't rush your doctor or attorney like this, would you?


⚠️ "Want to think about it/hold off"

✅ What would you say is holding you back from committing to a plan?

✅ Mr/Mrs Client, before we spoke today has the topic of protecting your family ever come across your mind? (Yes)

The fact that you filled out a card to request information about protection tells me that you have already thought about it, is that fair to assume?

Ok, so now, we're at the point of taking action, because thinking about it again is actually going backward, not forward, agreed?

So let's do a quick recap;
• Do you like and trust me as your agent?
• Are we at the right coverage amount?
• Are we at a premium that makes financial sense?

So is there any other logical reason to not move forward today?

✅ Is the coverage amount not enough, or is this just an affordability concern?

(Force them to pick between the two convenient options that you dealt and THEN strike with your timely rebuttal to the actual objection now that you’ve identified it.)


⚠️ Have work coverage

✅ Great, you're already doing better than most! Let me ask you a question;

Do you plan on working there forever?

🔘 "YES" - Awesome, sounds like you really love your job! What's more commonly known - that employers are adding more benefits or are they taking them away and making the employee shoulder the costs? ⤵️
So are you 100% comfortable banking your family's future on an uncertainty, or would it make sense to have coverage that YOU own and control?
🔘 "NO" - ...You know when you go to a restaurant and they have ketchup on your table? Are you allowed to use as much as you want on your food, without paying extra? ⤵️
But, once you leave the restaurant are you allowed to take their bottles of ketchup home with you? ⤵️
Now, at home I'm sure you've got a bottle of your own ketchup in the refrigerator, correct? ⤵️
You see, your work insurance is just like that ketchup - you can use it while you work, but if you get a job somewhere else, get fired, laid off or became an inactive employee, do you get to keep your benefits? ⤵️
That doesn't sound like you own and control it, does it? ⤵️
So then, would it make more sense to have coverage that YOU own and control, as long as it fits your budget?

✅ Great, you're already doing better than most! Does it cover 1 years worth of your salary or 1 & 1/2 times?

And once that money runs out then what?


⚠️ already have life insurance

✅ Perfect, that makes things a lot easier! Do you have the old kind of life insurance or the new kind?

...The new kind of life insurance allows you to access portion of the death benefit while you're still alive, and it's not from the cash value. Did your agent tell you if you have "living benefits?"

✅ Great, that makes things a lot easier...How much coverage do you have?
▪️ Do you know if it's permanent or term?
* If term - how much longer do you have before it expires?
* If permanent - do you know if it's Whole Life or universal life?
▪️ How long ago did you start it?
▪️ Do you remember the name of the carrier?
▪️ What's the premium amount?
▪️ When was the last time you had a policy review?

❇️ (First name), would you agree that making a mistake with your life insurance is the wrong thing to be wrong about?

❇️ If God forbid you made a mistake with your coverage is there any way to come back and fix it?

❇️ If your policy didn't do exactly what you thought it was supposed to do, how soon would you want to find out?

❇️ Can you do me a favor and grab the policy, and we can go over the black & white with a highlighter to be 100% sure that what you've got is properly protecting your family?


⚠️ The "toaster close"

✅ Let's do a quick exercise...

Do me a favor and close your eyes, and let's picture of toaster right in front of you.

Let's say this toaster pops up $5,000 on the first of the month like clockwork. And this is the money that your family survives on. It covers food, bills, house, cars, vacations...everything about your way of life is provided by that toaster.

... If that toaster were to break then what happens to your money on the first of the month? (It's gone)

*2 second pause*

Now that your family's money is gone how long will they survive for?

So if that's the case, then wouldn't it make sense to have insurance on the toaster? (Yes) If that toaster had insurance on it then you could get a brand new one sent out and not jeopardize any of your financial stability, agreed?

Even if it cost $300 per month to insure that toaster would you still get it? Why?

With that said, YOU are the toaster for your family. You have that much financial impact on your family.

So if we can protect you and your family and it makes financial sense, can you think of any logical reason why you'd turn that down?


⚠️ (Final Expense) "My kids will take care of it / Have to talk to my kids"

✅ "I see... Are your parents still alive?

When was the last time they called you to ask you a $50 question?"

✅ Mr/Mrs Client, I'm sure you've attempted to talk to your kids about this, but they don't want to hear about it, agreed?

...and while they tell you they know what to do when you die, you know deep down it's the last thing they want to think about right?

Ok, so after we go everything today, you'll have enough information to make a decision that's in their best interest, because at the end of the day, as their parents, isn't that still a part of our calling?

Great, now all that's left for them is to know where you put the insurance policy along with my contact information so I can deliver that check in their hands, sound good?

✅ Mr/Mrs Client, would you agree that leaving a lump-sum, tax-free check to anybody on this planet would be considered a gift?

And do you normally ask people for their permission to give them a gift?

Why would your kids be an exception to that rule?

✅ Mr/Mrs Client, I'm assuming that your kids are the type of people to make decisions based off of all information rather than partial information, does that sound about right?

Ok, and since I'll be the one to hand deliver that check to them when your birth certificate expires, would it make more sense to get them on the phone, so I can go over all of those details?


⚠️ (Final Expense) "I thought it was free"

✅ That's actually not uncommon. The good news is that the Social Security Administration DOES pay a small subsidized death benefit to the majority of seniors after they've passed. My job is to explain how it works and make sure that you understand what it covers and what it does not cover.

I'll also go over supplemental coverage to help fill in the gaps that Social Security won't pay for...shouldn't take but about 20 minutes.

Would you prefer we do that in person or over the phone?