Now, I know that you know, that SOMEONE is going to have to pay big bucks to send you off with dignity. Ask yourself who might that be?
So, what makes more sense to you, having your family shoulder the financial burden when your birth certificate expires or having the INSURANCE company shoulder the burden?
All you do is pay a small cost to throw your money into an extremely large pool of money, and in exchange, they'll pay your beneficiary a tax-free check when you die. It's the safest gamble you'll ever make, agreed?
What situation will your family be in, not if, but when you die? Is there an immediate consequence?
What might that be? (Funeral, possibly medical costs, loss of income, records need to be changed, banks, credit cards, houses, all need to have the names updated)
What about long term consequences? Do the bills stop coming in? Does the utility company say that they will waive all of your fees because there was a death in the family?
What if your companion doesn't have the work skill sufficient enough to replace your lost income? What if they did, but there's children under 18 that still need their surviving parent to be present?
And by the way, isn't it sad that when a parent dies, the kids end up losing both parents? Think about the ways that that statement is true.
How about a mortgage? College? Protecting RETIREMENT?! Shouldn't the future retirement money stay in the future?