Following up (Unfinished)

The follow up questions are more important than the response - the main thing is to actually get a response (whether it's a "yes" or "no")

Every one of these has led to an application

On the fence - after quotes were given

Hey, _____, it's _____.

I don't mean to push, but I wanted to reach out and see it we're in good shape for getting you a plan to protect the mortgage, or is there something else possibly getting in the way of that?

Hi, _____, are you still open to one of the plans we discussed or have you maybe lost interest? Is there something that I may have missed?

Hi, _____,

I don't mean to pry, but I wanted to reach out and see if the life insurance options I sent were competitive enough for you to take me up on my services, or is there something else possibly getting in the way?

Follow up sequence (if unable to close)

▶️ 1st Email/text:

Hi Josh,

Do you trust me enough to let me know what's really holding you back from getting something this important? I'm just curious to know if I maybe dropped the ball somewhere...

▶️ Next email/text:

Hi Josh,

(Be vulnerable and fall on your sword) - "I wanted to make sure that don't overstep my bounds...

By now I realize that the solution I offered wasn't compelling or relevant enough for you to commit to the coverage...

With your permission, I'd like another chance to earn a piece of your time.

You see, by me not doing my job correctly it could mean a bad situation for your family in the future.

And one thing that is disheartening to me is that out of every 100 people that show an interest in life insurance, only 7 actually end up getting coverage. That tells me that we don't have an awareness problem (I mean, it's the most valuable product someone can own!), we have an education problem.

▶️ Final email/text

Maybe it's me, but I'm getting the feeling that right now might now be the best time for you. Perhaps we can connect in the future if you ever have a need or question about any of the other services I provide.

Mortgage protection
Life insurance
Final Expenses
Tax-free retirement supplement
Fixed, Indexed & Multi Year Guaranteed Annuities


- Agent